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NEW!: See our link here for the essay New Economy from Nineteen New Educational Principles.

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Please try to read over this entire message for important facts about traffic exchanges. Traffic exchanges are business-to-business opt-in 'clubs' where you look at members web pages and they look at yours. If you have DSL, Cable, or any other type of high speed connection and don't have a lot of money for advertising, traffic exchanges are a must. They will also work withdial-up connections.
There are two types of traffic exchange pages: those that allow you to automatically have the pages changein the web browser (called 'autosurf') and those that require you to click on a top banner-like control to change pages(these are called 'manual'). Obviously, to prevent repetitive stress injury, you might want a mix of both. If you have a web host that charges youfor bandwidth, you might join these autosurf sites in increments to see just how much you might be charged month-to-month.
We do not recommend anyone using traffic exchanges without a good antivirus program and some skill in getting rid of spyware. You absolutely need to use a spyware/adware checker as well as a virus checker when you use these accounts. The only anti-spyware program that we've used with consistant success is the freeware program Spybot Search and Destroy. We are not saying they are all bad, but all the other checkers we've tested are inferior. Many of the others are actually themselves spyware. Good freeware virus checkers are Avast and AVG. They are completely free and update themselves automatically. Several trojans have been spotted on several of these sites, and while these sites can be a great way to market and communicate your ideas to the world, like anywhere else, there are unscrupulous characters who spread these kinds of problems. You must be especially careful on auto traffic exchanges for malware/spyware/trojans.
Most traffic exchanges will give you free hits for signing up, sometimes 500, 1,000, 5,000, or even 10,000 or more freehits to your website. The ones that promise more often don't work. Manual traffic exchanges do not give away as many free hits as the automatic ones. Many exchanges give you a daily bonus in free hits just for signing in. This list here is very important because you will find many large lists of traffic exchanges on the Internet which contain many exchanges that no longer work. This list is dated and all the lists on this site work (except in the ones that we are currently about to phase out at the very bottom of the page).

Our philosophy with traffic exchanges is the same as with our approved safelists -- if we found the system could not set us up or log us in properly, after three tries we dropped the service. It's faster to sign up to new services by cutting and pasting your information from a text file that you multitask with than it is wondering if these sites really work or not. After signing up with over a hundred of these kinds of sites, we have seen all kinds of bad behavior on parts of owners. We are putting the ones here that have not done any of that. You also don't want to have too many of the autosurf ones going to your web pageif the web server your web host uses can't handle the traffic. This would mean thatyour pages would load slow for hits by customers who might be coming to your sitefrom a search engine or other market segment targeted methods. From what we've seen, traffic exchangesare the free Internet marketing resource where one has to be especially careful one doesn't wastetime on a bad site. We have had to stop using about many sites.
Many of the pages you will see on traffic exchanges are actually scams. Sadly, thereare about an equal amount of original products, artist's pages, personal pages, and the like tothe same amount of scams or just advertising other traffic exchanges. This could be changed if more people were bringing in new people to these ways of marketing, but unless the amount of people doubles who do traffic exchanges and safelists, it will continue to be this way. However, by reading many of the things you'll see in these pages or emails, you eventually begin to educate yourself about the latest in Internet marketing. Therefore, traffic exchanges and safelists are a type of educational system for online business. They are also a relatively stress-free way of marketing.

Many traffic exchange programs will give you free hits when you sign up but usually those will not be given until you surf a certain amount of pages, which should be a small number,like 25 or at the most 50. Even if the exchange does not state this, if you don't surf and return to the site in two weeks or so you will see you will still have a large amountof free hit credits left. Surf and those should be used for your site. You also usually have to 'allocate' credits from your hit 'bank' to your web page.
Most traffic exchanges are also banner exchanges, in that they allow you to uploada banner for your website and then will show the banner on the website while people surf.
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Traffic exchanges get you into international turf easier than safelists. Some we've seen display web pages in European or Asian languages which makes me realize that there are probably trafficexchanges in most larger countries and language groups. There could actually be traffic exchanges for specifictypes of sites, like music websites, much like the way Web Rings operate, but I do not see anyoneimplementing this idea.
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About what you'll see on traffic exchanges: a lot of what you will see are actually scams. Many other pages on traffic exchanges are legitimate free marketing programs. Sometimes, you'll see an artist's website or an authors, or any number of people or associations looking for free marketing that mighthave charitable, altruistic or educational purposes for their sites.
This is a good page to bookmark or add to your favorites if you want to continue to log in to them. You will be able to get to the join sections now, or login by going back to the home page link by only showing the domain name in the top URL bar of your webbrowser.
Once you have an account, you can come back here to log into several of your accounts.You may have to go back to the login prompt at the home page (the .com page you canfind by backspacing up in the URL bar).
These kinds of sites that allow one to add many sites are good for 'online philanthropists' -- public educatorswho don't need money to help other people. See our link here for more information on New Economy from Nineteen New Educational Principles.
Unfortunately, some of what you see on traffic exchanges are other traffic exchanges and get rich quick scams. Try to find out if there i a big audience viewing your websites to buy your products. Traffic exchanges show that an alternative media exists out there which people could be using if they wanted to. I'm not sure why more people are not usingtraffic exchanges to promote their products.
Free Credits Quick Hits Vol
The Best Manual Surf Traffic Exchanges